Friday, March 14, 2014, 7:00 pm
Casa del Prado Theatre
Directed by Ira Bauer-Spector
Written Roald Dahl
Adapted for the stage by David Wood
Our 66th Season, 2013-2014
James and the Giant Peach
When poor James Henry Trotter loses his parents in a horrible rhinoceros accident, he's forced to live with wicked aunts Sponge and Spiker. Over time, he becomes "the saddest and loneliest boy you could find." Then one day, a wizened old man gives James a bag of magic crystals that promise to reverse his misery forever. When James accidentally spills the crystals on his aunts' withered peach tree, he sets his adventure in motion. From the old tree a single peach grows, and grows, and grows some more, until finally James climbs inside the giant fruit and rolls away to a whole new life. James befriends an assortment of hilarious characters, including Grasshopper, Earthworm, Miss Spider, and Centipede. A classic by Roald Dahl.
Recommended for ages 8 and older. ASL-Interpreted performance at 2pm Sat, March 15, 2014.
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James Henry Trotter - Pierre Cozic
Aunt Spiker - Trystan Colburn
Aunt Sponge - Emily Morrison
Old Green Grasshopper - Tyler Dahms
Miss Spider - Jade Moujaes
Centipede - Nathan Cooper
Ladybird - Hanna Sampson
Earthworm - Nick Asaro
Storytellers - Imahni King-Murillo, Lauren Basurto, Sofia Islas
Old Man - Jake Goldfarb
Old Woman - Tess Maretz
Captain of the Queen Mary - Nick Hatch
First Officer - CJ Rabine
Second Officer - Marc Berger
New York Tour Guide - Allison Wuest
Mr. Trotter - Josh Henson
Mrs. Trotter - Danielle Balmat
TV Reporter - Amanda Cooper
Mayor of New York - Gabriel Smith
Little Girl/Child 1 - Artemis Calderon
Child 2 - Jackson Poland
Child 3 - Summer Kocher
Rhinoceros - Luis Sherliee, Bella Basurto
Announcer - Nadia Bourche
Voice - Veronica Berg
Stage Manager - Shane Jost
Asst Stage Manager - Fenton Paré
Sound Board Ops - Maddy Ringer, Roberto Quiñones
Light Board Op - Mark Barahura
Stagehands - Luke Barbarita, Tony Cabauatan, Tommy Ringer, Genna Foster
Costumes & Makeup - Felicity Bryant, Zoe Trudeau, Emma Rasse, Grace Asaro, Shelby Myrman, Jaimie Cooper
Box Office - David Coffey
House Manager - Maya Nielsen
Ushers - Alexandra Adsit, Angeles Almera, Trinity Barbera, Francesca D'Amico, Savanna Raven Sorrensen